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Free Shipping above $45
Bounty Bites


1 cup Coconut (shredded and unsweetened) 
1/3 cup Coconut condensed milk 
1 bar Elements Truffles Sea Salt bar with Turmeric


Some flavoring and garnishing combinations options - 
- Turmeric and Shredded Coconut / Sea Salt / Himalayan Pink Salt
- Lavender essential oil  and Lavender flowers or Mint leaves  
- Almond extract and Chopped nuts 
- Matcha powder and Chocolate shavings
- Lemon essential oil and Elements Truffles Coco Fuel Lemon



1. Mix shredded coconut and condensed milk in a mixing bowl.
2. Mix well and add any flavors that you might want to add in the coconut mix. You can see some of our suggestions above but you can let your creativity flow here.
3. Make small bite size balls with your hands. Place them in the fridge for about 15 minutes to harden.
4. Start a double boiler to melt a bar of Elements Truffles Sea Salt bar with Turmeric.
5. Once the bar is melted let the chocolate cool down a bit.
6. Remove the coconut bites from the fridge. Ensure they are hard enough to be dipped in warm melted chocolate. 
7. Dip each coconut bite in chocolate using a fork and place them on the cooling rack. 
8. Add your favorite garnishing on top of each bite.
9. Place them back in the fridge for 15 more minutes.
10. Impress your family and guests with your culinary skills.